六下《Module4 Unit1 The balloons are flying away》教案
六下《Module4 Unit1 The balloons are flying away》教案第3页


Step3 .Practice.

1).Super imitation show超级模仿秀

Who can help me?

Sorry , I can't. I'm on the phone.

I can help you.I can carry this box.

Thank you ,Daming.

Oh, dear. The oranges are falling .

The balloons are flying away.


2).Do a chant.(两只老虎的曲调)

I can't carry everything .

Who can help me? Who can help me?

Sorry , I can't. Sorry, I can't.

I can help you. I can help you.


3).look and write, then say.看图片完成句子,学生根据多媒体上的示例,将另外三幅图片补充完整,然后说一说。符合新课程标准中对写的要求。


Step4 Consolidation