精品《Module8 Unit1 What time does your school start》教案
精品《Module8 Unit1 What time does your school start》教案第2页

 [设计意图]: 课堂的提问和学生的回答是师生间交流的重要方式。提问可以启发学生的学习兴趣,鼓励学生积极参加课堂活动,引导学生积极思维,调动他们学习的积极性和主动性;另外,教师通过提问,可以了解学生对所教内容是否理解,理解的程度如何,从而对症下药,提高教学效果。提问还可以创造大量的课堂实践机会,有利于学生巩固掌握复习所学的语言材料。

T: I get up early. Because my school starts at eight o'clock.

And what time does your school start? T: So today we'll learn 《Module 8 School unit 1 what time does school start?》

Then teacher write the title.

Ⅲ﹑New lesson


Ask and answer: what time does your school start?

My school starts at ...



 T: Let's sing a song

 • What time do you get up?

 • I get up at half past seven.

 • What time does school start?

 • My school starts at nine o'clock.

 • My school starts at nine o'clock

 [设计意图]: 在自编的英语歌曲中包括了我们所学的重点句型,让学生学会,并通过反复吟唱牢记这些句型,还可缓解学习时的紧张气氛,可以孩子们的学习在积极主动轻松愉快的过程中完成。


    T:Our school starts at eight o'clock.

   What time does Amy get up?

What time does Amy's school start? Can you guess?