冀教版(一起)五年级上Unit 2 Lesson 9 Arriving in Beijing导学案
冀教版(一起)五年级上Unit 2 Lesson 9 Arriving in Beijing导学案第2页

 2. This is a W , she is watching TV.

3.These are M ,they are playing baskerball.

4.These are W , they are laughing.

5.Boys and girls are C .

6.There are many P ,they are watching a movie .


1.women these are .


2. is a man this .


3.tired is hungry and everyone .


4 playing are children these cards .


5. Many Beijing Train Station there people in are the .


七 小结:

这节课我学到了 .


不理解的地方是 .

八 作业 能力提升,写一写:


Today is Sunday,there are many people in the park......

Lesson 10 A Walk in Beijing


一 学习目标:

1.我能听说读写单词:slow, slowly, quick, quickly.