2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit 1 单元小结
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit  1  单元小结第2页

  everything was empty and __1__. A park cleaner came by, singing and dancing as he __2__.As everything was already so clean, the group of friends found it __3__ to see how the cleaner worked so __4__, and so early in the morning.They had a great time __5__ him.But the cleaner didn't mind, and just __6__ sweeping the area clean.

  So the gang (年轻人) started __7__ bags and bits of paper on the ground, to give him something to do.When more __8__ started arriving, and saw the kid and his friends throwing __9__ about, they thought it was one of the park's fun activities.So they __10__, and as more people arrived, the park became __11__ in rubbish.The park cleaner couldn't cope (应付).No one seemed to be __12__, but something strange started happening.

  As time went on, the park attractions were __13__, and more people were looking down at the rubbish on the __14__.By the end of the day no one was on any of the park __15__, they were all standing about, looking at the ground."Well," said the park authorities, "what's going on here?"

  It turned out some time during that day, everyone had dropped something on the ground, but __16__ it was covered with litter, whenever anyone __17__ anything ...it was almost impossible to find it!

  The park had to have everyone help to __18__ the rubbish.The visitors swept the ground, singing and dancing all the while.It became so much fun that from that day they __19__ a new activity in the park, in which everyone, armed with __20__ and bags, spent a while cleaning, laughing, and dancing.


  1.A.cool         B.dark

  C.clean D.new

  解析:选C 根据后文"As everything was already so clean ..."可知,公园里很空旷,很干净。

  2.A.walked B.ran

  C.drove D.swept

  解析:选D 根据首段最后一句"...sweeping the area clean"可知,他在打扫卫生。

  3.A.amusing B.surprising

  C.moving D.disappointing

解析:选A 根据后文"So the gang (年轻人) started ...bags and bits of paper on the ground, to give him something to do."可知,这几个孩子看到清洁工很快乐,就想拿他取乐