公开课《Module10 Unit1 Don't talk in the library》教案
公开课《Module10 Unit1 Don't talk in the library》教案第3页

 2、But Simon and Daming sayed lauder .the old librarian were angry . Open your books on page 56. listen and circle the words 'please' and 'don't'.

3、抽生读圈出句子,做连线题(ppt show)。

4、Listen again and think the questions,then discussion in group.


6、Listen again and follow CD。(一句一句跟读,逐段抽生读,齐读)

Step5 Practice :role play



  1、Today, we've known that public has their own rules, we should obey the rules. (公共场所都有它们的规章制度,我们要遵守这些制度)

2、Which group is the winner?(表扬获胜组)

  Step7 Homework:

  Homework:1、Listen and read the text two times.

2、Make rules for your class.


----Library rules----

           Don't talk in the library.

           Please be quiet.

Please stand in line.