2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Using language课时作业 (5)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Using language课时作业 (5)第3页

  those reviews were placed about the same time.The best thing is to look for reviewers who show some relevant knowledge of the product they are reviewing."

  Some companies seem to be contributing to the problem.A publishing house offered gift vouchers(购物礼券) to anyone who would give their textbook a five­star review.But not all online companies operate like this."Amazon works hard to keep the completeness of its customer reviews," said a spokesperson for the company."We have very clear guidelines, and when a customer reports a review that he feels is inappropriate, we check, and may take it down."

  So, next time you see that five­star review for something you want to buy, be aware-it could be the work of a false reviewer!

  语篇导读 如今网购非常普遍,消费者的评价变得越来越重要。但是,这些评价的可信度到底有多高呢?

  4.What does "them" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

  A.Products. B.Users.

  C.Reviews. D.Buyers.

  解析 C 代词指代题。them指代上文中的名词复数形式,上文的复数名词有reviews和users,再根据下文的关于网上评价未必都和事实相符的例子可知,them指代reviews(评论),故选C项。

  5.What does Barnaby Bicken's story imply?

  A.The food served was awful.

  B.Not all reviews are believable.

  C.Many people are easily cheated.

  D.He likes to write bad reviews.

  解析 B 推理判断题。Barnaby Bicken选择了一家网评很好的饭店吃饭,结果发现饭店的服务质量非常糟糕,自己想如实写一个评论发表,但又不被接受。该例子是对第一段最后一句的回应,故选B项。

  6.What reviews of products are useful?

  A.Those by competitors.

  B.Those by different users.

  C.Those with good comments.

  D.Those with related information.

解析 D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,最好是寻找那些对评论的产品有相关了解的网评者,所以有产品相关信息的那些评论是有用的,故选D项。