精品《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教案教学设计
精品《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教案教学设计第2页


Step2、Lead in

Do you like this song? What's it about ?Ss : It's about traveling . Do you like traveling ? I like travel too. I went to Yunnan last year. It's in the south of China. It's very far. I went there by plane. Now let's enjoy some photos. (幻灯片展示云南图片)Show some photos. Learn the new word:photo以及它的复数形式photos. Then practise the word in sentenses.

Yunnan is very beautiful .I stayed there for a week.(幻灯片展示)Learn the new words: stay and week .

Show a map of China , Ask the Ss to find out Yunnan, Practise the sentence: It's in the south/north/east/west of China.



We like traveling. Lingling like traveling too .Do you want to know more about Lingling's traveling ?

Let's listen and answer :

For the firsr time: listen to the tape and find out the answers to these two questions.

For the second time:listen to the tape and discuss the four questions in groups.

For the third time:follow the teacher and read the text. Let's know more about Lingling's travel.

Another question for the students: What people is Lingling's uncle ?