免费下载公开课《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教学设计
免费下载公开课《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教学设计第3页



(T: Excellent ,wonderful,very loudly, your reading is very clear.)



1、Now open your books turn to page(26) .

T: Our good friend Linging is going to come back to China. But her bag is broken. Ms Smart will buy her a new one. Which bag does Lining buy? Let's go and have a look.


2、Text-teaching :

(1) Listen to the tape and answer the questions:

① Why does Ms Smart want to buy Lingling a new bag?

② How many bags do they see?

③ Why don't they choose (选择) the black one?

④ Which one do they choose? Why?


③This black bag is nice. It's big.

④This blue one is big and light.

It'll be easy for her.(是板书)

(2)教师分段播放录音,学生跟读。教师向学生讲解"We'll take it ,please."中take的意思为buy。

(3)Read the text again and finish the table.

small big heavy light The black bag The green bag The blue bag

Step4: Game游戏:请学生以小组为单位,完成课本中活动三。

e.g.: A :It's heavy. B :It's the green bag. 要求生B一边指一边说。


1、Read the text three times, and act it out.

2、Observe the animals and try to describe them.


Step6.Class is over

T: Time is up, boys and girls. You did a good job. I`m proud of you .That's all for today. Bye-bye.

板书设计 :