冀教版(三起)四年级上Lesson1 Skirt and trousers
冀教版(三起)四年级上Lesson1 Skirt and trousers第2页

开始上课和复习Class opening and review


课文导入Lesson hook:这节课,我们将要学习如何谈论每天所穿的衣服。男孩、女孩穿什么衣服。什么衣服男孩子从来不穿?(可以用汉语说出裙子或连衣裙)

新概念New concepts:

1.This is a red skirt.

介绍本课单词。出示单词卡shirt,skirt,trousers,sweater,T-shirt,利用句型What's this/What are these? This is a... These are...学习新词。同时要说明:当谈论复数事物时要用These are...句型,但裤子不同,即使只有一条裤子(这是一个复数单词),也要用These are...句型。

板书:This is a shirt,skirt,sweater,T-shirt.

These are shirts, trousers,pants.

将颜色词和衣服词结合起来,可使衣服更加具体。出示图片,说:a red skirt,the yellow trousers, a green shirt, a blue T-shirt... 让学生跟读、练习。

2.Let's do it!

课件分别出示a red T-shirt, black trousers, a green shirt图片,

图1(a red T-shirt):读句子:This is a T-shirt. It's red. 将两句话合并成一句:This is a red T-shirt.

同理:This is a a green shirt. These are black trousers.

3.What is he/she wearing?

看书讨论每个人穿的衣服,针对每幅图提问What is he/she wearing?让学生回答:He/She is wearing a green sweater / white T-shirt.听录音跟读并练习背诵。


4.Let's play!




Goodbye,class! 教学反思 板书设计 Lesson1 Skirt and trousers

This is a shirt,skirt,sweater,T-shirt.

These are shirts, trousers,pants.