外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计
外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计第2页

3、Game: "五彩缤纷"复习颜色词: red , yellow, blue, green, pink, black, orange . (Say the missing colour as quickly as you can)

4、复习小结:ask the students to compare , 自己和学生进行比较,单词(tall)和单词(short),多叫几个学生试着说,then say a chant:出示:来是come,去是go. 点头 yes, 摇头No. big 大,small 小。Tall是高, short 矮。 长是long short短。 New是新 旧是old。 年轻 young老是 old 。 hot热 cold 冷。 胖是fat thin 是瘦。

5、说完出示两个数学题 1+1= ? easy (X+y)+578=? 难得 教 hard 板书 It's easy 和 hard。

(通过运用一些学过的词做游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,复习描述物体特点所需的反义词,如: big --small ,fat--thin ,short-tall/long,young --old ,为新的内容作铺垫。)

Step2. Presentation

1、T: Close your eyes.(拿出一个红色的大气球)Look! What''s this ? What color is it? Can you talk something about it?

Ss: It's a balloon. It's red. It's...

T: Yes. It's big and light. 引出课题并板书,教授单词light。 拿出一个大书包,教 heavy 并学习 Pocket.


(1)教授单词"broken" 、"pocket"

T:We have got a big balloon. Make the balloon bigger and bigger....用东西扎,Peng! Oh,it''s broken!(用实物形象直观,学生更容易理解新单词,TPR教学方法能给学生真实语境学习英语,能巩固新单词和句子。)


(T: Excellent ,wonderful,very loudly, your reading is very clear.)

4, 出示图片让学生说一说:A: It's heavy。 B: It's the green bag.(两人一组说一说)


Step3 . Text