外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计
外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计第3页


T: Our good friend Lingling is going to come back to China. But her bag is broken. Ms Smart will buy her a new one. Which bag does Lingling buy? Do you want to know more about it? Let''s go and have a look.(针对学生的好奇心理,以提问的方式导入课文,使学生明确学习目标,保持学生学习的积极性和主动性。)

2. Text-teaching :

(1) Listen to the tape and point ,then find the new words and draw out.

(2) Listen and read after the tape , then tick.(听课文,勾一勾。)

① What does Lingling need? A. A new bag B. A new hat C. A newbook② Why does Lingling like the black one ? A. It's light. B. It's small. C. It's big.

③ What has the green one got ? A. Two wheels (轮子) B. Two pockets C.Four wheels ④ Which one do they take? A. The black one B. The green one C.The blue one

(3)教师分段播放录音,学生跟读。教师向学生讲解"We'll take it ,please."中take的意思为buy

(4)Read the text and fill in the blanks,(听一听,填一填).

Broken heavy easy small light nice wheels pockets take Ms Smart : Lingling , look at your bag, it's __________ . I'll buy you a new one .

Lingling : OK. This black bag is _____________ . It's big.

Ms Smart : But it's _____________ . This green one is ______________ , and it's got two __________________.

Lingling : But it's _____________

Ms Smart : Look at this blue one . It's big and light . And it's got four _____________. It'll be _____________ for you . We'll __________________ it.