外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计
外研版英语《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计第4页

(5) 两人合作读一读:(听录音回答问题的形式,集中锻炼学生的听说能力,并且有利于教师自然的呈现和提炼了本课重点句型。)

Step4. Practice

Look and read , then try to write :

fat thin heavy light big small beautiful cute broken pocket wheel young old 通过合作学习,相互促进,并且使句型和单词得到巩固和加强,达到会说的目的。



1. Read the new words and write five times.(抄单词5+2)

2、Read the text three times, and act it out.(对话读三遍,自己演一演。)

3、Observe the things and try to describe them.(观察身边的事物并说一说。)


Observe the things and try to write them.(观察身边的事物并写一写。)如:The elephant is _____________________.
