外研版英语原创《Unit2 I feel happy》教案教学设计免费下载
外研版英语原创《Unit2 I feel happy》教案教学设计免费下载第2页

the blackboard and ask students to show the feelings.

让学生复习所学的表示感情色彩的词happy sad tired bored hungry. 通过向学生展示卡通图片复习表示感情色彩的词,训练所学的词汇happy, sad, bored, hungry, angry这些感情色彩的词。通过让学生看卡通图片复习表示感情色彩的词,然后让学生回答看到这些图片讨论有何感觉(高兴还是不高兴),引出这堂课学习的任务 I feel happy.

(2) Free talk:

Ask students to answer the questions :

<1>How do you feel today ?

<2>Are you feeling happy?

  和学生对话交谈时,教师做出找东西的样子并说:" I feel sad."。学生这时会运用所学的询问句型:What's the matter?教师说自己的课本在哪儿?(其实课本在桌子上),这时学生帮助找到。教师表现出高兴的样子。然后说出:I feel happy.教师通过和学生对话来引出主题I feel happy .从而导入新课。

Step 2 Ask students to watch the pictures on the blackboard and talk about each other.


(1)、A:How do you feel ?

     B:I feel tired.

(2)、A:How do you feel ?

B:I feel happy .

(3)、A: How do you feel ?

B:I feel bored.

(4)、A: How do you feel ?

B:I feel sad.