外研版英语《Module4 Unit1 Will you take your kite》教学设计
外研版英语《Module4 Unit1 Will you take your kite》教学设计第3页

(一) 2.Listen and choose

T: They are going to have a picnic. They will take many things. Do you remember what will Amy take? Here are four choices for you. Ball, kite, bike and book.


3.Listen and answer

  T: Amy will take her kite and her ball for the picnic. Here is another question for you : Will Amy take her kite tomorrow?

  Ss: No, I won't.


  T: What about this one?(出示球、Sam、Amy图片并以对话的形式,让学生自主完成对话。)

  T: Amy will not take her kite and her ball tomorrow. Do you why not? Because....Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday. But we are going to have a picnic on Saturday. So, because tomorrow is Friday.

  T: so Amy will not take her kite and her ball tomorrow. Because tomorrow is Friday. On Friday they will go to school. Will you go to school tomorrow?

  S1: yes, i will.

4.Listen and repeat

5.Read in roles

【设计意图】 分角色朗读环节,给学生提供了一个良好的语境,便于学生更加切合实际的运用语言。

Step Four: Practice

open your book and turn to P22. Let's do the 4th part.

Step Five: Production

A:Next week we're going to Kangning. We'll visit the old people.Will you take _____?

B: Yes, I will./ No, I won't.

A: So we will take _____ next week.

Step six: Homework

①read the text