外研版英语《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教学设计教案
外研版英语《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教学设计教案第5页

T: Now read by yourself, ok?

T: Who can read ? Hand up!

T: What do you think about? Good or very good?

SS:Good ,good very good!

T: Let's read together , ok ?


T: Now let's welcome our friend Daming , he'll introduce our old friend ,

Let's listen.

Open your books ,turn to page 38.

1)、Listen and point.

2)、Listen and answer the questions:

A: What does Daming see?

B: Which parts of Panpan can Daming see?


3)、Listen and repeat.

4)、Listen and repeat again.


5)、Pair work. One is Daming ,one is Panpan.

6)、let's play a game, ok?

Who wants to be Daming ? Who wants to be Panpan?



Look at the screen, look at the pictures ,make some sentences with " This is his ...." (出示喜洋洋、灰太狼的图片)
