外研版 四年级上Module 6 Unit 1 can I have some sweets教学设计
外研版 四年级上Module 6 Unit 1 can I have some sweets教学设计第2页

T: I'm great, thanks. What's the weather like today?

Ss: It's a sunny day.

T: yes, it's really a nice day, are you happy?

Ss: Yes!

T: I'm happy too, because I will have English class with all of you here. So I have some gifts for you! Look ,do you want some ...?(apples, bananas, noodles, milk,cakes...)

Ss: Yes, please!

( 老师通过手中呈现的食品食物引导学生用Do you want some ...?句型进行问答,并用Yes, please!No, thank you! 进行作答 )

T: Don't worry, I will give you a big surprise. Look! What's this? It's a box. Can you guess what in it ?

(食物展示完成后,老师手中没有食物了,这时通过安慰学生的目的,引出要给学生一个大惊喜(一个装有食物卡片的盒子),老师带着盒子问几个同学,"What can you see in the box?")

Ss: I can't see anything.

T: Yes, it's very dark.(教学dark)

What shall we do? Oh, we need to turn on the light.

(呈现实物手电筒,老师边按手电筒边重复turn on the light词组,教授该词组,并把手电筒递到学生手中,让学生边操作手电筒开关边练习turn on the light)

T: Yes, turn on the light, you can see some ( soup , sweets ,bread, noodles.. )并对本课新词进行教学。

T: Oh, so many delicious food, do you want to get it?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now, let's chant together.

Do you like some soup?

Turn on the light!