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  (1)重点词汇email ,egg, sandwich,delicious,traditional

(2)重点句型 What did she\he have for breakfast \lunch\dinner yesterday? She\He had....


  单词traditional的发音。 四、教学方法

  为了形象直观,在教学中我运用了实物和图片教学,反复训练食物的词汇。同时运用提问的方式,反复训练重点句型。收到了预期的教学效果。本课的重点是通过运用句型What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had ....学习对一日三餐吃什么进行提问,并做出相应的回答。针对这节课的教学目标,教学重难点,和学生的实际,我精心地设计了本课的教学内容。

  首先我通过Free talk 的形式,引导学生说出他们自己喜欢的食物,我说We have rice ,noodles and dumplings for meals. They are Chinese food. Do you know any English food ?学生踊跃举手,争先恐后地把他们知道的英国食物全说了出来,我马上导入本课的话题,English Food然后展示课文图片,让学生了解大明收到了玲玲的email.并告诉学生玲玲在email中,描述的是英国的食物,都描述了那些食物呢,并给学生留了一个任务,通过本课的学习,让学生回去跟父母谈论关于英国的食物。


在句型操练方面,我首先是出示大屏幕,展示一些食物,让学生两人一组,操练本节课的重点句:What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I had....What did she/he have for...?看着诱人美味的食物,学生热情很高,表现欲很强,激发了他们学习的积极性。 五、教学过程

Step1 Warming up


Chant: Noodles and rice are very very nice.

2. Brain storm between the teacher and the students:

1)Do you like apples\rice\meat? Does she\he like...?

2)What do you like to eat? What does your mother like to eat?

3)What's your favourite food? Why?(通过回答why,能够有效地与学生进行深层次的思维对话,学生会说出Because it's nice.这样的回答,教师会顺势引导出单词:delicious,并进行强化训练。


Are they Chinese food or English food?

通过图片,引出traditional Chinese food,强化学习traditional.(通过拍手,将traditional的重音表示出来,帮助孩子更好的掌握单词)

Step 2 Presentation:

1. Lead-in导入:

T: We know something about Chinese food. Do you want to know something about English food? Today we'll learn Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.(Teacher writes the topic on the blackboard, and the students follow to read.)

Daming has got an email from Lingling. What's it about?(通过课件引出email单词,让学生了解意思,掌握读音)

2.Watch the CD-ROM, find out the answer.

3. Questions show before the second listening.

1)What did Lingling have for breakfast?

2)What did she have for lunch?

3)What did she have for dinner?

4.Students listen and learn the text.

5.Try to answer the questions. (在三个问题的回答上,教师设计了由易到难的梯次。第一个问题,教师利用课件给出了两个图片让学生进行选择,A.eggs and sausages B. hamburgers


She had eggs and sausages.

7.Learn to say the new words: eggs sausages sandwiches fish and chips in many ways.

8.Listen and repeat the third time, get to know something about English food.(Fish and chips is traditional English dinner.)

9.Try to read in groups.

Step3 Extension :

1.Chant:Breakfast breakfast

What did she have?

Eggs sausages

She had eggs and sausages.

2.Play a guessing game:

What did she\he have for breakfast\lunch\dinner? The teacher asks and the students try to guess with the sentences: He\She had...

3.Teacher talks about the meals about herself: Yesterday, I had an egg and soybean milk for breakfast. I had rice and vegetables for lunch. I had noodles for dinner. What about you?

(First practice between the teacher and the students, then practice in pairs with the sentence: What did you have for breakfast\lunch\dinner?

4.Do a survey:

What did your good friends have for breakfast\lunch\dinner?

5.Report: He\She had...for breakfast\lunch\dinner.

Step 4 Summary

1.What have you learnt today?(new word\phrases\sentences)

2.Talk about the differences between the Chinese food and the English food. What are more healthier? We should have a healthy diet every day. And we should do more exercises. It's good for us.

Step 5 Homework

1.Listen and read the text fluently.

2.Talk about your meals with your good friend.

3.Reply an email to Lingling,tell her what you had for breakfast\lunch\dinner yesterday.