广东省高明实验中学高中英语北师大版必修二学案:Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2(第1课时)
广东省高明实验中学高中英语北师大版必修二学案:Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2(第1课时)第2页

2. 按所给的中文提示或首字母写单词:

1) The actors were still in __________(戏装) and make-up.

2) The dove (鸽子) r peace.

3) Tom is learning a musical i .

4) These are our nation's art t .

5) The robbers were wearing stocking m .

6) Robert was always the class (小丑).

7) Two of the candidates(候选人) must be f .

8) Hydrogen and oxygen c to form water.

9) Malen is a four-star (将军).

10) How many main r are there in Beijing Opera?

3. Learn the words and the definitions in pairs and guess the possible definition for each word or phrase. (refer to Exercise 3 on Page 24 )

(二) Classroom learning and exploration 课堂学习和研讨

1. Presentation of the preview 预习成果展示

2. Explanation and discussion 答疑讨论

3. Classroom learning tasks 课堂学习探究任务

Task 1: Get some general ideas about Beijing Opera

1. Beijing opera is considered as a national treasure in China, and has a history dating back more than 200 years. Today, Beijing Opera is the largest and most influential (有很大影响的) kind of opera in China and its richness of repertoire (可表演项目),great number of artists, avid (酷爱的) audiences, and profound (深远的) influence are incomparable (不可比拟的) in China.

2. Using your background knowledge, do Exercise 1 & 2 on Page 24.

3. Match the main roles with their names.

sheng male roles with brightly painted face

dan female roles

jing clown roles