【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(1)》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(1)》第2页

 n. 谎言、谎话 tell a lie:撒谎; a white / black lie:无恶意的/恶意的谎话

lay(laid, laid, laying):vt. 放置 = put、(鸡等)下蛋,准备、安排

e.g. Please lay the piano in the corner.

Don't lay your hand on my shoulder.

They laid the patient gently on the bed.

He lied to me that the hen laid two eggs that day.

I cook the dishes and you lay the table.

4、cure / treat:治疗

cure:vt. 治疗、治愈、改掉(坏习惯),强调结果。常用句型:cure sb. of sth.

e.g. Take this medicine and it will cure you of your headache.

My cough was cured with this Chinese medicine.

He was cured of his bad habit of smoking.

He was so ill that even penicillin could not cure him.

treat:vt. 1) 治疗,常用句式:treat sth. / treat sb. for sth.)

e.g. Are you sure you can treat this disease?

How did the old man treat you for your broken leg?

Only modern technique can cure your burns.

2) 对待、接待,常用句式:treat sb. as / like sb.

e.g. The old man treated the orphan like his own.

I would appreciate it if you will treat me as your friend.

Don't treat my joke seriously.

      3) 招待、请客 treat sb. to sth.

e.g. What did the host treat you to?

I'll treat you to a film tonight.

treatment:(u.) 处理、对待,治疗、处置

e.g. After careful treatment, he recovered and returned to work.

5、do with / deal with

do with: 处理,常与疑问词what连用;

deal with:处理、应付、论述、与......交易,常与疑问词how连用。

e.g. Please tell me what you did with my watch?

   The problem is how to deal with such a difficult situation.

   It's hard to deal with this kind of person.

deal:n. 买卖、交易

e.g. make / do a deal with sb.:和某人交易; a fair deal:公平交易;

   It's / That's a deal:就这么办,一言为定

6、lead / live:均可解释为"过......活"

lead:vt. 意思较多。

1) 引导、带领、通向,常用:lead (sb.) to / through / across ... some place

e.g. This path will lead you to the museum.

A child led us through the forest.

His explanation led me to a better understanding of the poem.

  2) 使某人干某事,常用句式:lead sb. to do sth.

  e.g. These evidences led them to believe in the existence of aliens.

What led you to change your idea?