【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(1)》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(1)》第3页

 3) 过某种生活,= live,常用句式:lead a ... life

e.g. lead a happy / busy / hard / quiet ...life

lead常用的短语:lead to:导致,to是介词; take the lead in ...:在某方面领先;

    hold the lead:保持领先地位; lose the lead:失去领先地位;

    give sb. a lead:给某人树榜样

live:vt. / vi. (居)住、活;过......生活

e.g. Where do you live? She lives at 49, Renming Rd.

We eat to live not live to eat.

We are living a happy life nowadays.

live to be + n. / adj. 活到......

e.g. She said she could live to be a hundred.

live to do ...:活到可以做......

e.g. The old man lived to see the founding of new China.

She lived to marry her daughter out.

live sth.:在生活中实现......

e.g. live one's dream:实现梦想; live one's faith:实践信念

live短语:love on:靠......过生活; live through:活过;

      live with:和......一起生活,忍受 live for:为得到......而活、渴望

II 重点词语和句型

1、advertise:vt. 为......做广告、宣传

e.g. I advertised my car for sale.

The company advertised their product in newspapers and on TV.

advertise for...:登广告求......

e.g. I think I should advertise for a second-hand house.

The manager advertised for a secretary.


e.g. put an ad. in the paper:在报上登广告; answer an ad.:应征一个广告


e.g. She has been away for several days, but her image is still in our minds.

It is quite common that you have a false image of a person before you see him or her.

She is the very image of her father, the nose, the smile and the way of walk.

c.f. imagine:vt. 想象

e.g. I can hardly imagine that.

Can you imagine how he came here?


Please use your imagination and write a good ending to the story.

3、promote:vt. 1) 宣传、推广,促销

e.g. Sometimes we go to town to promote our products.

Every day he goes from door to door to promote toothpaste.

2) 提职、升级

e.g. They promoted their computer system.

Because of her excellent work, she will be promoted to a chief engineer.