外研版英语《Module8 Unit1 Is it a monster》教学设计教案
外研版英语《Module8 Unit1 Is it a monster》教学设计教案第3页

many presents.(出示 PPT) Do you want to know what's in the box? If we don't know, we can say " I don't know". (出示卡片 "I don't know"教授短语 ) OK! Now let's guess. What's in the box? Before we guess, let's learn it together" Is it a...?"(教师板书"Is it a...? 并抽个别学生读)

T: You read it so loudly. Look, this present is from Daming, can you guess what's in the box? Is it a pencil? Is it a dog or a pen? (引导学生用 "Is it a...?" 来问.教授单词"or")

S1: Is it a pen?

T: Yes, it is.(板书 "Yes, it is")

(T makes Ss guess Daming and Ms Smart's presents.)

T: This present is from Amy, Can you guess?

T:OK. Let's see together. Wow, it's a kite! (出示单词卡片并教授"kite")

T:Look, so many kites, dog kite, cat kite, bird kite and...Look, this is a monster kite, (T teaches "monster"教授"怪物") if we see a monster, we should cry"help!"(教授"救命")

T:Now, Let's play a game(游戏): magic eyes! Whose has got magic eyes? Read the word you see, but if you see a monster, you should cry "help!", clear?

T: All of you have magic eyes! Today Sam takes his kite to the park, and an interesting thing happened, let's go to have a look!

(T plays the CD-ROM for the first time.)

T: Now, listen again, find"Is it...?" and answer them.

·Is it a cat?

·Is it a dog?

·Is it a monster?

·Is it a kite?


T: Good!Can you read it?

T: Now show me your finger, listen and point, and read after the CD-ROM. Pay attention to the pronunciation.

Step 3、Practice(8min)

T: (show the box)Look, Is it a pen?....Now I put them in the box, I want to ask