免费下载原创《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案
免费下载原创《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案第4页

StepⅢ Presentatio

1. learn the words heavy and ligh

Show two bags. (One is big and light. The other is small and heavy.)  

T says: Look, these are my bags.   

(Show a big bag) say: It's big.(板书)  

(Show a small bag) say: It's small.  

T: Excellent. Look here! I have another bag. It's nice. Now can you guess which bag is heavy? Which one is light? (出示单词卡片heavy and light,用动作表示)

音标教学heavy and light(单词教学四遍)

T:(给两个书包编号1和2) which one is heavy ? which one is light? Who want to have a try?


T: who want to hold the bag that you can know heavy or light?(请一个学生提下)

T: which one is heavy?

S: it's heavy. It's light. (请1个学生提包进行验证后进行小组评价)

T: yes, it's heavy. (再请3-4个学生提包并说it's heavy. It's light.)

T: 拿起单词卡片,heavy, heavy it's heavy.(用动作表示)The desk is ...(重点词语空着让学生自己说出来) 板书heavy

T: 拿起单词卡片,light, light it's light.(用动作表示)The book is ...(重点词语空着让学生自己说出来) 板书light.

让学生用light heavy说说自己或周围的物品)


2. Teach "pockets"和It's got two pockets.

教师指着自己的口袋说:Look, I've got two pockets.  

Show me your pockets.

Teach "pocket "(课件出示单词pocket)出示单词卡片,音标教学法(四遍)

(指着身上的衣服说,one pocket two pockets 动作慢 语言清晰)

T: Count your pockets请3-4个学生说one pocket two pockets

T: (教师指着自己身上的衣服说)It's got two pockets.

点击课件出示It's got two pockets.

并教读It's got two pockets.

3. Teach "broken"

Point to a bag.

Look carefully, what's the matter with the bag?

T: It's broken. (音标教学法教学broken,单词卡片先读四遍,请一排学生朗读,{评价})

T:点击课件出示 It is broken .(课件)齐读

T: 出现实物(一张破洞的纸,一把断的尺子,一本破旧的书)it's broken.(要求学生一起说出来)

T: 板书 broken (要求学生进行拼读,写完后齐读一遍)



Light light light,it's very light .

Heavy heavy heavy,it's very heavy .

Broken broken broken, it's very broken.

Pocket pocket pocket, it's got a pocket.

(设计意图:用儿歌的形式复习和巩固新词和新句型,孩子在轻松愉快的学习氛围中,就记住了新知。) StepⅣ: Learn the new text.

Free talk: Lingling's bag is broken, too.

How do Ms smart and Lingling buy the bag? Let's go and see. Then complete our task.

Listen and underline the new words.

1. Listen and answer the questions.

(1) How many bags do they see?

(2) What colour are the bags?

(3) Which bag do they buy?

2. Listen and repeat.

4. Listen and fill in the blanks.


(1).The black bag is____ , it's big ,

But it's _____ .

(2).The green one is____ .

And it's got two _____ .

But it's _____ .

(3).The blue one is______ and _____ .

5. Act the text in groups. Then show.

. 6. Group show .(小组分角色表演课文)

(设计意图:给学生提出要求,让他们有目的的去听,边听边思考,然后解决问题,培养学生的自主学习能力。再者让学生带着问题去读课文,在培养他们阅读能力的同时,也培养了他们的思维能力和理解能力,充分发挥多媒体课件的优势,采用听音跟读、分角色朗读、四人小组合作朗读等多种形式进行操练,体现了《课程标准》制定的要求。) StepⅤ Guessing game


Like this:

1. It's fat and cute.

• It's black and white.幻灯片 17

• It's got two big eyes.

• It's got four short legs.

• It likes eating bamboos.

• it's a (panda)

2. It's big.

• It's gray.

• It's very heavy .幻灯片 17

• It's got a long nose.

• What is it ?

• It's (an elephant ) .

