教研课《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计
教研课《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计第3页

T :Now, let's play a game, ok?

S: Ok.

T: Take out your fingers, let's point.


Point to the door.

Point to the window.

Point to your book.

Point to your desk.

Point to your pen.

(设计意图:本环节利用学生们喜欢的游戏复习point to ...句型,并做一定的延伸---point to your ...,有利于新知识的学习。)

3. Leading in

T: Boys and girls, we have made a good friend in Module 4. Do you still remember him?

S: Yes.

T: Who is he?

S: He is Panpan.

T: Yes, you are so clever. But do you want to know more about him?

把熊猫Panpan 的图片贴到黑板上,让学生和老师一起来重新认识好朋友。