四年级下册外研版《Module5 Unit1 I was two then》教学设计
四年级下册外研版《Module5 Unit1 I was two then》教学设计第5页

 T:Today ,we are going to learn Module 5 Unit 1 I was two.(板书课题并读一读)Boys and girls, Amy went to Lingling's house .She saw lots of photos. Amy was very interested in Lingling's photos . What are they talking about? and what's the changes . Let's have a look.

一、First , Now listen to the tape.让我们认真听课文。

二、Now listen to the tape again and answer the questions:再次听录音,并回答问题。

1、Who is that little girl?

2、How old was she then ?

T:Who can answer this questions ?

三 、Now listen to the tape again and repeat.让我们认真听并跟读模仿课文。



小组讨论用was/is, were/are说句子。