英语公开课《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计
英语公开课《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计第5页

Step2:Learning new words

After singing the song, the teacher shows the topic of this lesson on PPT.

1.Showing the topic

T: Boys and girls, all of you do a very good job. Today we will learn Module10 Unit1 This is his head. Now, read after me. This is his head.

Ss: This is his head.


2.Learning the new word: his




T:Good! 看来同学说都是火眼精金哈!这个词就是我们本课学习的第一个重点单词了。(边拿出自制的his单词卡片边说)Ok, read after me, his↗ his↘(利用升降调来教学生朗读)

Ss: his↗ his↘

T: his↗ his↘~他的(边教读边翻卡片背面露出其中文意思)

Ss: his↗ his↘~他的

T: Yes, his means the boy's, not the girl's! his pen/ his book/ his pencil/ his schoolbag (练习his 的用法,利用学过的知识,列举班里男生桌面的物品)

T:his pen, This is his pen.

Ss: ..........


3.Learning the new words: head/ hand / leg/ foot/arm

T:Boys and girls. Today I am so happy, because one of our friends wants to say hello to us. Guess who is he?( PPT出示一张熊猫盼盼的动画图片)

S1: A panda

S2: Panpan

T: Very good! He is our friend. Let's say hello to him. Hello, Panpan.(边说边向Panpan挥手打招呼。

Ss: Hello, Panpan.

T: (点击一下鼠标,使图片中Panpan的头、手、胳膊、脚、腿消失掉)(教师很惊讶地问:) Oh,look, boys and girls, what happen to Panpan? Panpan发生什么事情啦?


T:Oh, no! He must be sad. Let's help him.同学们,盼盼此刻肯定伤心极了。让我们帮帮他找到他的这些身体部位吧?OK?

Ss: Ok!

T (教师从讲台里拿出课前准备好的箱子,里面放有教师自制的熊猫盼盼头、手、胳膊、脚和腿的图片,每一张图片背后都写有表示该图片身体部位的英文单词):I have a magic box here. Maybe it can help me. Who wants to help Panpan to find his body part?


T(教师随便点一个学生的名字,走到他/她的身边,让他/她伸手到百宝箱里抽出一张图片,教师接过图片,在全班面前展示):What's this?

Ss: 头

T:Yes, head 头 (边说边指着自己的头教学生读)OK?read after me, head↗head↘头。

Ss: head↗head↘头 (边跟读,边动作指向自己的头)


T:whose head? 谁的头啊?

Ss: 盼盼的头

T:Yes, his head

Ss: his head


T:This is his head. (边读边把该卡片比划在PPT盼盼身体的上面)

Ss: This is his head.

T: head? His head. This is his head.(边说边比划动作)

Ss: head? His head. This is his head.


T: You are the winner. You help Panpan find his body part. Give yourself a big hand.

After learning the whole new words, teacher makes a review about them. PPT上出示这六个新词汇(his、head、hand、leg、foot),学生集体用升调降调读两遍对其进行巩固。

4.Saying a chant :


head head点点头

hand hand拍拍手

arm arm伸伸臂

leg leg踢踢腿

foot foot跺跺脚)

T:Now, let's say a chant and do some action about it. Follow me,please. Boys and girls, stand up please.

Ss:( 站起来 )OK.


5.Playing a BOBO Game:


课件内容:This is his .

This is his .

This is his .

6.Listening time to strengthen the new words



1. 朗读课题是为了让学生本课教授的内容是什么。做到对上课的大概内容心中有底。用不同的语速朗读课题可以使学生提前预知将要学习的语言句型。让学生对今天学习的内容充满信心。

2. his教学前让学生观察PPT上his与其他单词不同颜色的书写,可以训练学生的观察能力。增强学生学习的兴趣。

3. (1)身体部位词汇教学前出示盼盼动画图片,引导学生和盼盼打招呼,可以拉近学生和将要学习内容的距离,调动学生学习的兴趣。



4. 把教学内容变成富有节奏的chant,在say chant的过程中配上动作可以帮助学生记忆背诵并体验学习的快乐。

5. 游戏教学不仅可以巩固所学知识,而且可以锻炼学生对目标句的反应能力。将英语教学游戏化,寓教于乐,让学生在愉快的情感体验中不知不觉地学习,从而提高学习兴趣和效率。


Step3: Learning the text

1. play the video about the text, ask the students to watch and listen carefully.

2. imitate the text one sentence by one sentence.

3. role- play to read out the sentence. 回归文本,让前面所学内容进入一个真实的情境中,让学生在语境中感悟语言。 Step4: Game time to strengthen the key sentence


T:Now I have a Super Strong. Please introduce him. Like this: this is his head. Who can?


S2: 拓展游戏,可以让学生对目标语句不断进行巩固和加深印象。 Step5 Summary

T: Who can tell me what we have learnt today?



S3: 整体感知,强化记忆。 Step6 Homework

1.Listen and repeat the text 3 times.

2.Draw a picture of your boyfriend, then show it to yourparents/friends and say, "This is his head/arm... ...". 课后巩固所学知识。 Blackboard design:

Unit1 This is his head.


This is his hand.


