2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future Using language课时作业 (3)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future Using language课时作业 (3)第2页


  2.The purpose of the RA reopening is ________.

  A.to expand the exhibition

  B.to mark its 250th anniversary

  C.to display contemporary art

  D.to present its 150­year history

  解析 B 细节理解题。根据Royal Academy of Arts, London部分第一句可知,RA重新开放的目的是纪念其创建250周年,故选B项。

  3.What is the purpose of the passage?

  A.To attract more visitors to the UK.

  B.To compare different tourist attractions.

  C.To describe some famous museums and artists.

  D.To introduce openings of some famous art galleries and museums.

  解析 D 写作意图题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了一些著名的艺术馆或博物馆的开放信息,故选D项。


课标话题 人与社会·科技发展 体裁 说明文 词  数 281 难度   Architect Vincent Callebaut recently introduced a plan for high­flying teams of self­sufficient aircraft that are one part of airship cities and one part of hydrogen­producing floating farms.Called hydrogenase(氢化酶), the aircraft are 100% emission­free and are capable of creating hydrogen without consuming land needed for crops or forests.

  We've seen futuristic airships before, but never one that doubles as a hydrogen­producing flying farm! Designed for the South China Sea near Hainan, Callebaut's hydrogenase airships are completely self­sufficient and contain a specialized breed of seaweed that absorbs sunlight and CO2 to produce hydrogen.

   According to the architects, "The output obtained from micro­seaweed is superior to that of using farming to produce biofuel. 330 grams of seaweed produce 1,000 liters of hydrogen per day, while soybeans produce roughly 1,000 liters of oil per hectare(公顷).A hectare of seaweed could thus produce much more biofuel than a hectare of soybeans."

In addition to providing a clean source of renewable energy, hydrogenase airships offer an eco­friendly means of transportation.Although certainly slower than ordinary planes, the airships are nearly silent and require a very little basic structure to take off and land.The architects also suggest that the airships should provide disaster relief for remote areas, and be used as flying hospitals and aid centers.Each hydrogenase airship is covered with flexible photovoltaic cells(