原创《Module8 Unit1 Is it a monster》教案教学设计
原创《Module8 Unit1 Is it a monster》教案教学设计第5页

1. Sentences learning-用简笔画画出猫,狗和鸟等,接着用句型"Is it a...?"提问学生,同时板书句型,领读和请学生读句型时提醒学生读声调并读出疑问的语气,后并引导学生用Yes, it is和No, it isn't回答时,也提醒学生读出肯定和否定的语气,这些句子的带读,先全班读,然后分成小组读或男女生读,接着再请个别学生读。

。 Step3. Text-Learning

1. Draw a stick figure about "a monster kite" and learn the new words" monster" and new sentences:"I don't know", Help!" by the actions. T: Can you guess, what's that? Do you know? Ss:...

T: You don't know what't that, so you should say" I don't know".

2.Play the CD-ROM to find "What's that in the story? "

3.Review the guess between the two girls in the text and read aloud by follwing teacher, boys and girls, group and group in roles. 4. Read aloud the text.

设计意图:利用学生好奇的心理,设计与课文类似的情境,通过语境教学,在完成怪物形风筝的简笔画过程中,层层导入与课文相关的目标语句,进而让学生在语境中充分感知目标语言的使用含义。接着让学生带着疑问"What's that?"观看录像,解开疑团。之后,通过老师带读,男女分角色问答,两个大组分角色朗读,完整回顾文本中两个小女孩对落在树林后的事物所做的猜测。最后达到全班熟练朗读