《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教案教学设计下载
《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教案教学设计下载第3页

  T: where did you go for your holidays?

  Ss:I went to ......

  T: When did you go? 板书句型

  Ss:I went there.....

  T: Did you go with your father and mother?

  Ss:Yes,I did.(No ,I didn't)

  教师接着问:Did you take any photos? (用手势做出照相的动作)引出photo这个单词,采用齐读,男女生读,分组读等多种方式,并区分与picture的不同。然后教师谈论玲玲的旅行,(出示新疆的图片) T:Look!This is a photo of XinJiang.Lingling went there last year.Who can tell me ,where is Xinjiang ?(出示中国地图) 引导学生回答It's in the west of China. 用各种方式练读句子。XinJiang is very beautiful.So She stayed with her grandmother for a week in July.引出生词stayed 、week让学生猜测意思并跟读。师生继续交流玲玲去过的地方, Lingling went to another place.(出示海南图片),让学生猜What's the place? Where is it? (出示中国地图)依次引出新的句型:This is Hainan.It is in the south of China . HaiNan is beautiful too,so she went there and visited her uncle.引出生词uncle并领读。


Step 3:practice(练习)


This is Qingdao.It's in the east of China.

Last year,I went to Qingdao and swam there.

2. 出示海口和大连的图片,学生同桌讨论,完成句子。

Haikou:This is______. It's in the _____of China. Last year,I went to ______and_____.

Dalian: This is______. It's in the ___of China. I went to ____ and ______.(设计意图:语言的社会功能是作为交际工具,只有结合实际,创造性的使用所学句型,才能让学生用所学的知识进行扩展、活用,也是培养学生能力的具体表现。)

Step4: Text(课文教学)