免费下载外研版《Unit1 They're monkeys》教案教学设计
免费下载外研版《Unit1 They're monkeys》教案教学设计第5页


Step 3. 呈现与机械操练(Presentation and controlled practice)


  T:now ,Let's watch the video ,and then see Which animals do they see in the zoo?

 引出并教授单词:lion (板书:lion)板书先出现字母i尝试让学生进行发音,然后出现l让学生尝试拼读li ,最后出现on,师教授读音


 T: They see tiger. lion. elephant. monkey and panda in the zoo. How many ?呈现文本图片引出单词的单复数形式,进行板书。(我认为这时只能出现单词的单数形式,复数形式应该在讲解课文时出现)



 T: This time let's watch the video and answer: What do they talk about?

 (1) Learn "What's this? It's a tiger.""What are they? They're lions."

 T: First, look,What's this?(课件:第二幅图片)

 Repeat it and read it group by group. (板书:What's this?)

 引导学生说出:I t's a tiger.

 T:What are they?(出示多只老虎的图片)


 T:They're tigers.

 师请生进行对比单复数 ( 板书单词的复数形式)

 T: What are they?(导出第三幅图,巩固练习本单元句型)

 引导学生说出:They're lions..注意They're的连读。

  (2) 比较两个句型

T: What's different between theses sentences?